Learn to Swim Safer
Swimming is a lifetime skill that can bring enjoyment and safety when you need it. Anybody who puts in effort in learning to swim will eventually pick up the skill. We do our best to bring swimming lessons to as many as possible.
Our swimming classes are all conducted at the Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam pool facility. No matter if you need a lesson for young infants of 6 months or all the way to adults and even senior citizens, we will customize swim program to suit individual needs. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, in a family or alone, water phobic or not. As long as you are eager to pick up the swimming skill, we believe that we will be able to assist you.
Swim Lessons Overview
Swim Lessons Program Description
Before you learn to swim, flotation devices such as kick boards, floats or inflatable armbands come in handy to stay afloat, and enable you to focus on practicing your stroke technique. When you are able to swim without any assistance and want to proceed to better timing and technique, it’s advisable to change to other devices which add resistance exercises to your workout, to help in toning up and becoming more muscular.
Our learn to swim lessons include the use of fins, which are fitted on the feet to aid in training and also help you swim faster. Hand paddles help propel your arm strokes further ahead as they move more water. Your arms and shoulders also get an additional workout thanks to the extra resistance in the water.
When it comes to types of strokes, the three most popular ones include free-style, breast-stroke and back-stroke. Free style is a universal favorite as well as the easiest to learn, whereas breast-stroke and butterfly strokes are tougher to ace, but remain popular for active swimmers. As well as teaching children how to swimsafer, these lessons have their advantages for mothers-to-be. Exercising in water goes a long way in reducing joint stiffness and discomfort that comes with pregnancy, and also aids in strengthening abdominal and shoulder muscles.
Those who have undergone surgery or injuries also stand to benefit through aerobics, as all the main muscle groups are given a good workout, without the additional strain/impact that comes with exercising on land.
Swim Lessons Overview

Swim Starter
Parent & Child
- Parents are required to accompany children
- Infant and Toddlers
- Minimum age 5 years old
Class Levels and Performance Requirement

Swim Basics
Age group and Swim Levels
- Pre school
- School Age
- Teens and Adults
Class Levels and Performance Requirement

Swim Strokes
Age group and Swim Levels
- Pre school
- School Age
- Teens and Adults
Class Levels and Performance Requirement
Swim Class Levels and Description
The Dive Buddy Swim School uses class levels to ensure all students are placed according to his/ her ability. Students are evaluated at the beginning of each session and placed in the appropriate level based on demonstrated ability. All students should be able to work with an instructor and participate in swim lessons independently and willingly.
Level 01 [ Water Acclimation ]
Kids and adults develop comfort with underwater exploration and learn to safely exit in the event of falling into a body of water. This class is for students who aren’t yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily.
In this class, students will be able to :
- Bob to submerge in the water
- Front and back glide to the wall for five feet with help
- Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
- Roll from back to front and front to back with help
- Jump, push, turn, grab with help
- Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
- Exit the water
Level 02 [ Water Movement ]
Students focus on body position and control, directional change, forward movement in the water and continue to practice how to safely exit in the event of falling into a body of water. This class is for students who aren’t yet able to do a front and back float on their own.
In this class, students will be able to :
- Submerge to look at an object on the bottom of the pool
- Front and back glide to the wall for 10 feet
- Front and back float for 20 seconds
- Roll from back to front and front to back
- Jump, push, turn, grab
- Swim, float, swim five yards
- Tread water near the wall for 10 seconds
- Exit the water
Level 03 [ Water Stamina ]
Students learn how to swim to safety from a longer distance than in previous stages. The class also introduces rhythmic breathing and integrated arm/leg action. This class is for students who aren’t yet able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
In this class, students will be able to :
- Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
- Swim on their front and back for 15 yards
- Roll from back to front and front to back
- Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
- Swim, float, swim 25 yards
- Tread water for one minute
- Exit the water
Level 04 [ Swim Strokes ]
Stroke Introduction
Kids learn the front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke kick and butterfly kick. This class is for kids who aren’t yet able to swim 15 yards of front and back crawl. In this class, your child will:
- Swim the front crawl with rotary breathing for 15 yards
- Breaststroke kick for 15 yards
- Butterfly kick for 15 yards
- Elementary backstroke for 15 yards
- Dive from a sitting position
- Tread water using a scissor and whip kick for one minute
- Swim any combination of strokes for 25 yards
Level 05 [ Stroke Development ]
Students work on stroke technique and learn the major competitive strokes. This class is for students who aren’t yet able to swim the front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke across the pool. In this class, students will ne able to :
- Swim the front crawl with bent-arm recovery for 25 yards
- Breaststroke for 25 yards
- Butterfly with simultaneous arm action and kick for 15 yards
- Back crawl for 25 yards
- Sidestroke for 25 yards
- Dive from a kneeling position
- Tread water using a scissor and whip kick for two minutes
- Swim any combination of strokes for 50 yards
Level 06 [ Stroke Mechanics ]
Students refine stroke technique on the major competitive strokes, learn about competitive swimming and discover how to incorporate swimming into a healthy lifestyle. This class is for students who aren’t yet able to swim the front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke across the pool and back. In this class, students will be able to :
- Swim the front crawl for 50 yards and do a flip turn
- Breaststroke for 50 yards and do an open turn
- Butterfly for 25 yards
- Back crawl for 25 yards and do a flip turn
- Sidestroke or elementary backstroke for 50 yards
- Dive from a standing position
- Tread water for one minute and retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool
- Swim any combination of strokes for 150 yards
Having mastered the fundamentals, school-age kids learn additional water safety skills and build stroke technique
Our Range of Swim Lessons

Parent & Child
Age 6 months – 3 Years
2 Class Levels
4 Sessions/Level
Accompany by Parents
Free pool admission included for all sessions
The Dive Buddy Swim School has a low child-to-instructor ratio. Our swim instructors are trained to work with younger children and lifeguards are always on the pool deck during swim lessons. Parents are welcome to watch swim lessons from the pool deck.
Age 3 - 5 Years
4 Class Levels
4 Sessions/Level

School Age
In this program, school-age kids learn personal water safety and achieve basic swimming competency by learning two benchmark skills : swim, float, swim and jump, push, turn, grab.
Age 5 - 12 Years
6 Class Levels
4 Sessions/Level

Parent & Child
Age 13 Years and Above
6 Levels
4 Sessions/Level

Private and Semi Private
Option available to all swim class levels and lessons